On Stage in Houston has been the highlight of Stampin’ Up! for me. It is always such a treat to get together with other women who support and encourage you. Stampin’ Up! treated us with fabulous swag, stamping opportunities, break out classes and of course the new 2024-25 Catalog!

Here is some swag that we received. Pin to commemorate the time, pens, craft carrier, pins and an awesome backpack to put all the prize patrols and things we received!

Here is the brand new catalog! Different from any other that I have received and I LOVE IT! Can’t wait to dive into it with you.

Here is one of the best pictures – I am showing off my sparkly boots. I marched across the stage for celebrate my $100,000 achievement for sales! I had so much fun with other achievers and with 800+ women there to help be celebrate!
From March 23 – 31st, I am offering a MARCH special when you plan an order in my online store. It is my way of celebrating $100,000 achievement while spoiling you! Place a minimum order using host code 6HXNUDJJ and your get:
Minimum $50 Order (before tax and shipping) – Get an incredible swag bag from me with random products valued at about $45!
Minimum $100 Order (before tax and shipping) – Get the swag bag mentioned above PLUS 10 handmade cards and envelopes!
$150 Orders & Above: Don’t use the host code and still get the goodies. Get 10 more handmade cards at every $50 above $100. (Example – if you order $200, you will get the swag bag and 30 handmade cards and evelopes!) Winner!
All orders under $150 must code 6HXNUDJJ. Orders must be place between now and March 31, 2024. Freebies from me will ship on April 6th – Priority Mail! How fun!
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